About PLBC


The Point Leo Boat Club (PLBC) is a throwback to earlier days – a classic 1960’s boat club with an active sailing, surfing and social program.

The Point Leo community embraces its heritage while providing a progressive social environment for local and city members.

Located on a unique north-facing beach, PLBC has one of Victoria’s best surf breaks, while also enjoying idyllic boating conditions.

With a focus on sailing and water sports, the PLBC adults and kids activities include sailing, surf, and stand up paddleboard, beach yoga and kids Olympics.

The PLBC social calendar includes cocktail parties, Moonlight Cinema screenings, live music and more.

The club is available for hire for private functions and events for members between May – September.  All requests must be made to the Secretary.


You can also view a clearer version PLBC Summary Guidlines by clicking the the link below.  Please help us keep all members safe by following these guidlines when visiting the club.

Clearer Summary PLBC COVID Safe Guidlines

These guidline will be posted at the clubhouse.


You can view and download the full PLBC Covid-Safe-Plan on the Policy & Application Documents page.


Members can follow us on Instagram: @pointleo